Are Stainless Steel Pumps Right for Your Commercial Application?

Commercial pumps play an important role in a variety of industrial settings, so it's important to find the right products, made from the best possible materials. In many ways, stainless steel is advantageous over materials like cast iron, but what is it exactly about stainless steel that makes it such a powerful material for commercial pumps?

Advantages of Stainless Steel Pumps Over Plastic

We can start by comparing stainless steel pumps to their plastic counterparts. What are the advantages of stainless steel over plastic in this application?

  • Durability. Different pumps and different applications may have different requirements, but most industrialists are always looking for something durable. Stainless steel is one of the most durable materials available, and it's much more durable than plastic. This allows stainless steel pumps to withstand more wear and tear and handle much more intense environments.
  • Longevity. Partially as a byproduct of this, stainless steel offers superior longevity. Your stainless steel pumps are going to last much longer than plastic ones. If you're trying to get the most out of your investment, and make sure your pumps last for many years, stainless steel is likely the right option.
  • Chemical and corrosion resistance. People popularly choose stainless steel for kitchen appliances in part because of its corrosion and chemical resistance. Plastics come in many varieties, and there are some designer plastics that are capable of resisting specific chemicals, but even these specially engineered plastics pale in comparison to stainless steel. That's because stainless steel naturally resists a wide range of chemicals and corrosive substances naturally, making it far more versatile and in many cases, more robustly resilient.
  • Strength and integrity. Engineers love stainless steel because of its strength and structural integrity. You probably understand this intuitively, as plastic is designed to be somewhat flexible and malleable. Comparatively, stainless steel is stronger and more rigid, and it's far less likely to deform or crack when experiencing mechanical stress. This advantage makes stainless steel far superior to plastic in any heavy duty application.
  • Temperature tolerances. You likely know that plastic has the potential to melt, or at least deform, under high temperatures. It also has a tendency to become brittle when experiencing extreme low temperatures. Comparatively, stainless steel has much higher temperature tolerance, and it's capable of withstanding both extreme highs and extreme lows without melting, warping, or becoming brittle.
  • Environmental resistance. Generally, stainless steel is better than plastic at resisting environmental conditions. For example, plastic can easily be degraded by UV radiation or saltwater, but stainless steel is resilient to these elements.

Advantages of Stainless Steel Pumps Over Cast Iron

As you can imagine, cast iron has some critical advantages over plastic as well. So what makes stainless steel commercial pumps better than cast iron?

  • Corrosion resistance. For starters, stainless steel pumps are more corrosion resistant than cast iron. If you're dealing with an application that involves a hostile environment or corrosive fluids, stainless steel is a better option. For example, in open impellers, cast iron has a tendency to bind up after accumulating rust, eventually leading to pump and motor failure.
  • Lighter weight. Compared to cast iron, stainless steel is much lighter compared to its strength. Generally, this makes stainless steel a more versatile material for pumps, and it simultaneously makes stainless steel pumps easier to handle and install.
  • Durability. Cast iron is a highly durable material, but stainless steel is arguably even more durable. It can take a more intense beating, and it's significantly less prone to cracking and breaking.
  • Longevity. Just as in our comparison to plastic, stainless steel has more longevity. Because of its strength, durability, and other qualities, it's likely going to last much longer than a comparable cast iron pump. You'll also have fewer maintenance needs by upgrading to stainless steel.
  • Hygiene and cleanliness. Stainless steel is also known for its hygiene and easy cleanability. It's one of the best materials for applications in industries where hygiene is crucial, such as food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries. Comparatively, cast iron pumps are more susceptible to contaminants due to the porous nature of cast iron – and they're much harder to clean as well.
  • Aesthetics and overall quality. Some people prefer stainless steel for pumps simply because of its aesthetic attributes. Stainless steel is smoother and more visually appealing than cast iron, which makes it the best option in any public-facing or high-end installation. Additionally, the sleek, smooth surface of stainless steel can lead to efficiency improvements.

Are There Downsides for Commercial Stainless Steel Pumps?

So are there any downsides for commercial stainless steel pumps?

The short answer is yes. In some contexts, stainless steel pumps are more expensive to purchase compared to pumps made from other materials such as plastic or cast iron. They’re also heavier than plastic pumps, making them unsuitable for some niche applications. Also, stainless steel is corrosion resistant, not corrosion immune; stainless steel pumps can’t stand up to chlorinated water or sea water in the long term. 

Still, stainless steel pumps are highly advantageous in most situations. 

The Bottom Line for Stainless Steel

So what's the bottom line here?

When it comes to commercial pumps, stainless steel is superior to cast iron and plastic in nearly all applications. It offers practically no downsides, and is the best material to choose if you want:

  • A lightweight, relatively inexpensive, strong material. Stainless steel is incredibly strong, considering its weight, it's relatively inexpensive, and yet, it's also highly versatile.
  • Corrosion, chemical, and environmental resistance. Stainless steel is also resistant to corrosion, various chemicals, and various environmental hazards, including extreme temperatures. If you need your pumps to be tough, stainless steel is the obvious answer.
  • A long life. People also choose stainless steel for pumps they need to last. Stainless steel is relatively low maintenance, and it can last for decades with proper care.

Are you looking for commercial pumps? Are you unsure about the “best fit” for your needs? Our engineers can help guide you to find the perfect solution – so reach out for a free consultation today!


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